About me

Hi! I’m Rosie (Sunday name: Roseanne), I’ve just entered the fourth decade of my existence (i.e. 30, not 40!) and I would probably describe myself as relatively average runner. I’m a bit of a posh Geordie, I live in Gateshead (not far from the Great North Run route) and work as a Scientist in a NHS genetics laboratory.

I think I started running at University back in 2013, when a boyfriend (now ex-) decided to take me out for a 5km jog in the park. I wasn’t particularly unfit, but I was far from fit! But I distinctly remember him telling me that I was struggling and there was no way I would be able to run a half marathon. When the relationship ended, I decided to sign up for a half marathon (Great North Run – because it’s the best, and coincidentally, the only half marathon I’ve actually run) and prove him wrong… and I did! In total honesty, I can only thank him for what he said, because if he hadn’t said that, I can almost guarantee I wouldn’t be where I am today. Anyway, I continued to run, not particularly fast, it was more of a hobby and I never really took it seriously. Well, that was until last year… I joined the Gateshead Harriers in February and in the last 6 years, I have now run a total of 4 half marathons, 3 10kms and numerous 5kms (mainly parkruns!).

Ok, I think that’s enough about me. You’ll probably hear more stories about me throughout this blog.

Hope you enjoy it.

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